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Advancing with the Strength to Embrace Excellence -- NGC Wins an Award for Outstanding Contributions of Baowu Supply Chain Partners in 2022

Published: 2023-08-18


On the afternoon of August 16, the 2nd Baowu Industrial Products Supply Chain Ecosystem Partners Conference was held at the China Baowu Steel and Iron Expo Center. Thanks to its brand strength and outstanding service offering, NGC won an award for Outstanding Contributions of Baowu Supply Chain Partners in 2022.

A delegation led by Ding Yuanxing, general manager of NGC’s Industrial Business Division, and Liu Haijie, sales director of the metallurgy industry, attended the conference and received the award.

As a supply chain partner of the Baowu Group, NGC will advance together with Baowu China and link up with more metallurgy industry clients through the “empowerment” of the Ouye Industrial Products Platform. In this way, the company will continue to drive the metallurgy industry through outstanding products and “intelligent” services.

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