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NGC participated in India largest wind power event – Windergy India 2017

Published: 2017-05-02


WINDERGY 2017 , the largest annual conference and exhibition on Wind Energy in India took place between 25th April to 27th April in New Delhi. The Indian Wind Turbines Manufacturers Association (IWTMA) in association with Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) hosted Windergy India. Windergy India was a good platform to bring together the key Government authorities, International and National Wind Energy players & Service Providers.

India is the fastest growing, large developing economy and its energy demands are on the rise. A record of 5,400 megawatts of wind energy capacity was added in India in the financial year 2016-17. The capacity addition beat the target of 4,000 megawatts by an impressive 35% increase for the financial year 2017-18. The Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association has forecasted a capacity addition of 6,000 megawatts against a target of 4,500 megawatts. The future of the Indian wind energy sector remains bright and is expected to easily achieve the installed capacity targets of 60 GW by 2020 which announced by the government.

Group photo - NGC team participated in the Windergy Expo 2017

Event was well participated by Global WTG manufacturer and allied equipment’s producers.
A team of 20 participants from Headquarters Nanjing, Asia Pacific along with NGC India team attended the exhibition. The display of 3MW wind main gearbox and 2.75 MW Yaw & Pitch drive and CMS, the wind power status monitoring system, attracted most of the professional visitors. The innovative use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Advance Reality (AR) showing the internal structure of the gear box and company’s unique features were the highlights.

President of NGC Asia Pacific and Managing Director of NGC India, Mr. Daniel Lim, addressed the keynote to the European Union (EU) Ambassador, Mr. Tomasz Kozlowski, and Chairman of IWTMA, Mr. Sarvesh Kumar, that in view of India government promoting aggressively on renewable energy projects, NGC being the global market leader in supplying main Gearbox and Pitch & Yaw drives to the Wind industry, will play a significant key role in India and participate actively in this growth development.

NGC Asia Pacific President and Managing Director of NGC India Mr. Daniel Lim meeting the Chairman of IWTMA along with EU Ambassador in NGC booth.

NGC Asia Pacific President and Managing Director of NGC India Mr. Daniel Lim meeting the Chairman of IWTMA along with EU Ambassador in NGC booth.

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